Front-end Developer

I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.


Hi, I’m Mohammadreza. Nice to meet you.

I professionally connected with the web development industry and information technology.
Well-organised person, problem solver, independent employee with high attention to detail.
Interested in the entire frontend spectrum and working on ambitious projects with positive people.


  • html575%
  • css375%
  • scss70%
  • javascript65%
  • typescript65%

Frameworks & Librarys

  • bootstrap480%
  • jquery70%
  • react js70%
  • redux65%
  • next js60%

Develope tools

  • Git
  • Github
  • RWD(Responsive Web Design)

What can I do?

Front-end Developer

With no doubt, intuitive web interface adapted to users needs and expectations has enormous impact on the way potential customers perceive the product or the service. It can both make it sexy or kill it straight away. Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and its frameworks, experienced frontend developers can truly make miracles!

Web Developer

Fronted is all about what users see and can interact with. It focuses on building a clean user experience based on unrivalled, trendy and creative design of graphics and interfaces. On the other side, backend development is responsible for the server-side. It covers the part of the system users can’t interact with, meaning the business logic and architecture of the application behind the shiny frontend. It prepares and manages data that is to be presented.

React-js Developer

React is one of the best frontend tools for building web user interfaces. It has a component-based architecture, which means we can reuse code and create component libraries. This saves significant time and money on web development.React, with its powerful composition model, allows us to reuse code for our applications. We create diverse and reusable components and assemble existing ones in various combinations. This strategy reduces software development time, making it faster and more affordable to release a web application.